please do not read if dont like..

mokomichi is sooo shuai!XD

manga vers. left is soshi, right is night. and of course the middle is riiko
finished zettai kareshi today
haishh..sooo tired now. cried too much le....
the drama is really different from the manga. personally...i think its a totally different story.
at first i prefer the manga one...coz its more school based and more carefree. but after finishing the whole series. man...i love the drama!!!
1. the drama's night[mokomichi] is sooooo charming!XD
2. i dont scream da hell outta my lungs for the manga's night.
3. i wasnt soooo agitated when reading the manga.
4. the manga wasnt half as touching as the drama.
the drama is really touching. coz in the manga...riiko was already hurt by love, and it was pretty easy for night to be accepted. furthermore, night only appeared after riiko was rejected. meaning...from the start of his life till his end...he didnt have to see riiko have feelings for other men.
in the drama...night saw how riika fell out of love...and fell in love again[with another guy]...get hurt by love...then finally got to love him[night]
it was hurting to watch him...coz he tries his best for riiko, and yet was always rejected. the manga...although the fact that night has got his own will was also made known, but it wasnt emphasized as much as in the drama.
in the made love roborts seem like they are fun, despite the sad ending.
but throughout the whole drama...the fact that night has got his own will was such a sorrowful and yet miraculous thing to happen.
i can really feel that night is becoming human...unlike in the manga...
throughout the whole drama...i was half wishing that night and riiko will be together...and half wishing the ending will be like the manga..
night have tried sooo hard...finally...when riiko accepted him..he had such limited time to be with her. i really wish that night can have happiness too. forever.
but i know deep in my heart, a love between a human and a robort is wrong. the only way to make their love forever...was to let night fail....
riiko will go old...but night will not. its almost like riiko will continue moving on with life, while night can only stay at the same spot...that'd be even more sad i think...
really like this drama. cried my heart out...
ah..another thing. i'm pretty sure many ppl will like riiko and hate mika right? personally...i like mika more. riiko is really a nice girl. but i can totally understand how mika feels. and sometimes riiko is really insensitive to her friend. the fact that mika hated/disliked her for soo long and she didnt feel a thing, already shows how much she observe/notice her friend.
as for soshiXriikoVSnightXriiko.....
i'm for soshiXriiko. coz in the manga...soshi liked riiko for very long le...and....i duno but..i just support soshiXriiko more hahhahhahah
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