say everyone bring some food, then end up they ate already=_=
in the end only yq brought food.
she made onigiri!!!XD
and she brought roasted seaweed too!
duno what to call this flavor of onigiri. anyway, there's the veg which can usually be found in miso soup, and there's dried salmon. nice=)
this one is crabstick with mayo. nice!!!=D
ahh..then whole day play liao lo. play basketball, then play wii. bleach rocks!XD haha
oh...and talked about our class seems like got alot of guys from the outside...but actually got alot of in-betweens hahah
dinner went westmall to eat bking. then yq had to go home:(
the rest of us ended up crapping in mac again haha. just that this time got add ys. anyway this time we got smarter. got take note of time hahaha. never miss the bus:) was darn pissed.
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